In recent years, the United Kingdom has witnessed a concerning surge in childhood myopia, with the number of affected children doubling over the past five decades. Even more alarming is the trend of myopia developing at an earlier age, with primary school children now routinely being diagnosed. This concerning phenomenon has prompted ongoing studies to understand its causes and potential solutions, revealing a combination of genetic and environmental factors at play. As this global issue intensifies, projections indicate that nearly half of the world's population will be myopic by 2050 [1].
Identifying childhood myopia at its earliest stages is paramount in curbing its progression through targeted remedial therapies. Among these, myopia therapy glasses have emerged as a promising option. These specialized glasses not only correct vision but also effectively manage the way light falls on the retina, thereby slowing down the ocular changes responsible for myopic progression. Apart from therapeutic interventions, mitigating childhood myopia necessitates addressing environmental aspects that contribute to its development. A crucial step in this direction involves reducing excessive close reading and screen time, as these activities strain the eyes and exacerbate myopia. Encouraging children to spend more time outdoors has also shown significant benefits. A notable study in 2021 found that increasing daily outdoor time from one to three hours could potentially reduce the risk of myopia by a remarkable 50% [2]. Addressing the mounting issue of childhood myopia requires a comprehensive strategy that combines myopia management therapies with practical lifestyle adjustments. By incorporating targeted therapies like myopia therapy glasses and limiting screen time, parents and educators can significantly impact the progression of myopia. Moreover, fostering a love for outdoor activities can prove instrumental in safeguarding children's eye health. The alarming rise in childhood myopia in the United Kingdom and globally necessitates immediate action and awareness. Emphasizing early detection through myopia therapy glasses and promoting a lifestyle that balances screen time with outdoor activities is critical in mitigating the risk of myopia. Together, we can take significant strides in safeguarding the vision of future generations and ensuring a brighter, clearer future for all. Stephanie West is proud to support Myopia Focus Independent information on myopia and myopia management can be found on Please also consider signing this petition to get the NHS to recognise myopia as an ocular disease and improve funding for myopia management for children. Cant believe Gill Adams has actually retired! I feel so lucky to have worked with and learnt from this phenomenal person, highlighted by such a great Grand Round meeting in her honour and a pleasure to have another chance to talk about split lateral rectus transposition for 3rd nerve palsies.
Delighted to be invited to talk on 'Diplopia post Cataract surgery', Thank you very much to Maria Theodorou for inviting me and wonderful to get a chance to catch up with Nadeem Ali & Bob Taylor